Monday, April 9, 2012

Weird Body: Placido Polanco's Head

Some of this readership will surely find our inaugural post perlexing as it contains neither a “post hype” nor a “sleeper” player. Nayeth, I decree, we of POSTHYPESLEEPER bring forth this new blog with an ode to everyone's favorite Hasbro™ toy – Mr. Potato Head himself, Placido Polanco. When I think of how little attention Placido's bulbous, starchy cranium has garnered over the years I shudder knowing some little boy hasn't been traumatized by the eerily spudlike shadow it casts in the dog days of summer. Here's to you, Placido Polanco.

Here we find senor cazeba de patata in his natural habitat, mingling with his fellow tubers.

It's such a wonderful day for a hot air balloon ride-OH MY GOD GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE WE'RE ALL DEAD!

You get the point*

*Author's note: No modification was done to the shape of Mr. Polanco's head. It really is just an upside-down potato.

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